Horror drawings. Most of them have a meaning, some don't, and some are inspired by the things I saw in my dreams, which are often times weird, even disturbing. Reasons are unknown.



''Follower'' 2


''one final answer''






from a dream 01








from a dream 02


''if i do it vertically i will die''


from a dream 03 (old)




''i'll never heal''


''the choice is mine''


from a dream 04 (edit)


''nothing is real'' (edit)




Ave Satanas


''Forced to stay''


Plague doctor


''No one's ever going to save you''


''when you get better, I get worse'' (Inspired by the song ''Bollywood Apologetics'' by Black Wing)


''Death, set me free'' (old)




''to cope''


''dying angel''




''something nice awaits for you in the future'' (from a dream 05)


''giving you my heart''


''you're not alone''




''power'' (colored with blood)


''two sides'' (colored in blood)


''this cursed earth''




''cursed within''




''you're next'' (old, gift for someone)


''wendigo'' (old)


''ghost'' (original character)


''ghost'' (original character) 2


''ghost'' (original character) 3






''avoidant personality disorder''


from a dream


a social outcast








the end, huh? nope! it'll keep updating...